Living Balances
Progressing through change, reducing stress and maintaining wellbeing

Helping people and their organisations to reduce stress and face the future
Pressure can be a natural part of growth and development in the adventure of life, whereas stress can lead to harmful consequences if not addressed. That's why keeping an on-going watch on balances is so essential. It's important for individuals and for teams and organisations.
We hope you appreciate our concept and explore our site to find out how we can help.
If you have management responsibility for others take a minute to consider these questions
Do you have a health and wellbeing strategy in place?
Has your organisation undertaken a risk assessment in relation to stress?
Are you aware of the levels of stress experienced by the people for whom you have a responsibility? Do you monitor it on an ongoing basis?
Are there clear channels in place for people to be able to talk about it?
Does your organisation offer support to individuals who are experiencing stress?
Have you offered training to help people become aware of stress, how to reduce it and prevent its more harmful consequences?
What steps have you taken to help prevent or reduce stress in your organisation overall?
For yourself as well consier these
Are you aware of your own stress levels?
Are you aware of what causes you stress?
Do you take steps to maintain your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing?
Do these steps give you the resilience and flexibility you need to handle your responsibilities?
Do you find sufficient time and space for your own passions and pursuits?
Do you use techniques to prevent and reduce stress when you need to?
When stress happens do you have sufficient remedial approaches to help recover balance and get back on track?